<div>rSBA sent around an appreciation of the satmar rov. zkl .</div><div>it listed responsa which included that-</div><div><br></div><div> He also rules that television is certainly to be considered Avodah Zarah </div>
<div>and Gilui Arayos, non-kosher and apikorsus.</div><div><br></div><div>---now given that the 'street' ,certainly in the non-haredi </div><div>communities , and maybe even some of them too, don't seem to hold </div>
<div>that way, do we consider this as an individual psak , that others </div><div>disagree with , </div><div> as a gzeira , that the people did not accept , or </div><div>an area of life that some just feel is not in the purvey of psak? </div>