> A few corrections:<br>> 1. The disagreement between the Chachamim and Rabbi Yehuda is only about<br>> when is the (earliest) time to daven marriv and not when to say Shma.<br><b>you are correct in psht in the mishnah however when writing for halacha purposes shma is included in עי' שוע"ר סי' תפט: י"</b>ב ו<b>תוס' ברכות ב</b>. <br>
> 2. According to the Alter Rebbe's Siddur the period from מנחה קטנה until<br>> sunset (not צאת ) is divided in half which is called פלג המנחה<div><b>i know and i lchatchila wrote it that way, however again im trying to keep it simple to give a basic explanation. in truth its a machlokes </b><br>
> 3. e.g. during the time of the year when the day light is 12 hours from 6<br>> a.m. to 6 p.m. with the afternoon stating at 12p.m. so פלג המנחה would be<br>> 4:45 p.m. (not 4:30).</div><div><b>correct</b><br>> 4. The halacha says that you could choose either opinion for Maariv and if<br>
> one davened marriv earlier he would have to say שמע again at [3]צאת הכוכבים</div><div>ז<b>ה לאו דוקא דאע"פ שכן הוא לשון המחבר סי' רל"ג מ"מ עי' במג"א סי' רס"ז:א והמשנ"ב סי' רל"ג:יא וסי' רל"ה :יב ושער ציון שם סק"ט והטעם שמקדימים היא לצורך מנין או בער"ש משום להוסיף מחול </b>.... <br>
> .</div>