<a href="http://revach.net/article.php?id=5208" eudora="autourl">
</a><font size=3>I am not a posek and don't know much detailed Halacha,
but while our mitzvos should be guided first and foremost by halacha, it
should also penetrate deeper than the letter of the law and touch
something within us. Hashem is interested in our heart more than our
hand. <br><br>
Today there is so much competition from so many different organizations
for our tzedaka budget. While competition is usually good for the
consumer, in this case it complicates matters and takes a lot of Ahavas
Hashem and Ahavas Yisroel away from our Mitzva of tzedaka. We are
bombarded with all kinds of incentives from free cars, money, and even
apartments, to more sublime paybacks like brachos for good children and
easy shiduchim. <br><br>
The Volozhin Yeshiva had a Mishulach that they would send around Europe
to collect funds for the Yeshiva. Before one trip the Mishulach came to
Rav Chaim Volozhiner and told him that he feels his tattered clothing and
broken wagon are diminishing his respect in the eyes of the donors and
therefore they give less money to the Yeshiva. Sharpening him up would
improve the image of the Yeshiva and would bring in more money. Rav Chaim
agreed and he paid for a new fancy suit and nice wagon to take the
Mishulach on his travels. <br><br>
A few weeks later the Mishulach returned with less money than ever. He
explained to Rav Chaim that one of his biggest donors refused to give
anything because he didn't want his money going for the Mishulach's
clothing and wagon. <br><br>
I don't remember the exact details but Rav Chaim's response to the donor
was that each donation ends up being used for as holy a cause as was the
intention of the donor. Betzalel's greatness in constructing the mishkan
was knowing whose money should be used for the Aron Kodesh because his
thoughts were purely L'Sham Shamayim while other money was given for
reasons of honor. Similarly said Rav Chaim if your donation was given for
the honor of Torah you can rest assured that you money will go for Torah
and not for travel expenses. <br><br>
Based on this thought we have nothing to fear. If we give tzedaka to a
worthy organization L'Shma we can feel at ease that it went to the cause
itself and not to the marketing expenses. You will be credited in
Shamayim with a great mitzva of tzedaka. If however you give it for the
new car, then let's hope you win because that is where your money went.