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<span style>On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 07:41:49AM +0200, Eliyahu Grossman wrote:</span><br style><span style>: In last week's parshah we read of the frog, in the singular, coming up and</span><br style><span style>: covering the land. The first half of Rashi brings forth a Midrash that has</span><br style>
<span style>: Rabbi Akiva saying that they wacked the frog and it multiplied, with Rabbi</span><br style><span style>: Elazar ben Azariah rebutting, telling R' Akiva to go back to what he's good</span><br style><span style>: at, that R' Akiva got it wrong. There was one frog, he whistled, and they</span><br style>
<span style>: came. Period.</span>Â >><div><br></div><div>Pof. Sperber based on many poofs claims that tzefardea is a crocodile and and not a frog<br clear="all"><div><br></div>-- <br>Eli Turkel<br>