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<div>As to the Sheilah itself, it depends on whether the Challah must be *covered* or *out of sight*, which is exactly the difference between Kerias Shema in front of Tzoah BaAshashis which is Muttar because it must be covered, versus Ervah BaAshashis which is Assur (Berachos 25b) because it may not be seen. ISTM that demanding that the Challos be out of sight "Shelo Yireh Hapas Boshto" is being a bit over-literal. The idea is that when the Challah is covered it is not "on the immediate agenda" so we aren't messing up the appropriate Seder Haberachos.</div>
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<div>But RYBS held that the main reason for covering the Challah was not Shelo Yireh Hapas Boshto, but "Ki Heichi D'Teisi Seudasah Beyikra DeShabasa". Meaning, one cannot start the Seudah before Kiddush, so the foods, if placed on the table, must be covered so as to begin the Seudah by uncovering the foods. The other two -reasons Shelo Yireh and Zecher LaMan - he thought were Aggadic. According to that, it should be sufficient to have a see-through cover. But he held that one should cover ALL the food on the table, not just the Challah. [Nefesh Harav page 158].</div>