<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12pt"><div>if the definition of a brit is simply unilateral, then why not <br></div><div>just call it a law, or din, or halacha? or anything else that is</div><div>imposed upon us? eg, if you don't go over the speeding limit, <br></div><div>THEN, you will not get a speeding ticket, or; if you do your <br></div><div>homework (and/or) eat your peas and carrotss, then <br></div><div>(no choice in the matter)***<br></div><div>you will get your ice-cream sandwhich(es) [or in our case <br></div><div>a better olam haba, and/or a possibility of olam haba?] afterwards...</div><div>why the implication (at least in my mind) that a brit, is 2-sided?</div></div></body></html>