<div>Something on the recent daf yomi at the moment, that I am sure somebody discusses somewhere (and I may even have come across it somewhere so any pointers would be appreciated):</div>
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<div>On Chullin 14b the sugya discussing breira is brought, including the machlokus between Rabbi Meir and others regarding whether one can drink wine on shabbas from which one had only designated the wine which will remain after shabbas as the trumos and ma'asros. And the others object to Rabbi Meir's solution to use breira on the grounds that the wine cask may break, and then it will result that no trumos and ma'asros ended up being taken, while Rabbi Meir is not concerned for this possibility.</div>
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<div>But how does that reconcile with Rabbi Meir's other famous position, namely that he is chayesh l'meutei - ie concerned for minority cases (brought most recently on daf 11b).</div>
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<div>Why is the barrel breaking not a minority case, just like a katan or katana turning out to be an ailanis? And surely both are cases where it is possible to be mevarer, if you wait long enough, so the exception to the rule brought on daf 11b doesn't help.</div>
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<div>Thanks and Shabbat Shalom</div>
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