</p><p>After Bilam's donkey finally had enough abuse the donkey turned around
and verbally complained to Bilam. One would think that Bilam would be
awestruck at the sound of his donkey talking. Yet, Bilam doesn't flinch
and he answers the donkey back, getting into a verbal altercation a if
this is a perfectly normal everyday occurrence. Why?
Rav Chaim Kanievsky answers that Bilam was being accompanied by all the
most distinguished ministers of Moav, and he didn't want to look bad.
Therefore, he pretended that indeed he had a special donkey with whom he
conversed on a regular basis. He wanted to show the ministers how he
puts his donkey in place. Unfortunately, things did not work out so well
for Bilam as he lost the argument, shaming himself in front of his
prestigious guides<br><br><br>--- saul newman <br><br><br>