From: Eliyahu Grossman <><br>Subject: [Avodah] Chometz milking question<br><br>Ok, here in Israel, starting this week, all cows will be given only kitniyot<br>to eat - no chometz.<br><br>Around the rest of the world, they don't do that.<br>
<br>I have asked around and I get a blank stare from people who have never heard<br>that we do this, and from a few people who are mashgichim that I know (I let<br>them know up front that even though I live in Israel, I eat non-cholav<br>
Israel from non-Israel products very often) I don't really get a definitive<br>answer. I will query some more authoritative poskim here, but I thought I'd<br>toss that out there as an interesting Pesach question.<br>
<br>Eliyahu Grossman<br><div>Efrat, Israel<br></div><div><br></div><div>------------------</div><div>My son has a supermarket in Flatbush. The other day a Russian woman was in the store and she was </div><div>reminiscing about life in Russia, and she mentioned this, that a week before Pesach they stoped giving Chometz</div>
<div>to the cows.</div><div><br></div><div>S. G.</div>