RSRH comments on Bereishis 35<br><br>
<font face="Arial, Helvetica" size=4><b>11
</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size=3><i>God then said to him: I am
the All-sufficing God. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a community
of nations shall come into being<br>
from you; kings shall come forth from your loins.<br><br>
</b>Goy uk'hal goyim</i>. The nation that will descend from you is to be
one single<br>
unit outwardly oriented, and a multiplicity of elements united into
— inwardly oriented. Each tribe is to represent a special national
is to be, as it were, a nation in miniature.<br><br>
The people of Ya’akov is to become “Yisrael,” is to reveal to the<br>
nations God’s power, which controls and masters all earthly human<br>
affairs, shaping everything in accordance with His Will. Hence, this<br>
people should not present a one-sided image. As a model nation, it<br>
should reflect diverse national characteristics. Through its tribes,
should represent the warrior nation, the merchant nation, the
nation, the nation of scholars, and so forth. In this manner it will<br>
become clear to all that the sanctification of human life in the
covenant of the Torah does not depend on a particular way of life or<br>
national characteristic. Rather, all of mankind, with all its diversity,
called upon to accept the uniform spirit of the God of Israel. From
diversity of human and national characteristics will emerge one
kingdom of God.<br><br>