I think that anyone reading the subject line would answer in the
affirmative. Yet the post at
<a href="http://tinyurl.com/26yqak5" eudora="autourl">
http://tinyurl.com/26yqak5</a> says<br><br>
<font size=3>Rambam in Hilchos Avoda Zara 11:12 who after forbidding to
say pessukim from the Torah for physical relief quite vehemently, saying
that not only is that considered magic it also includes the one who does
it among Koferim in the Torah! because the words of the Torah are
supposed to heal the Nefesh and not the Body. He then continues
"avol habori shekoro pesukin o mizmor mitilim kedei shetogen olov
zechus kerioson veyinotzel mitzoros unezokim harei zeh mutar." A
healthy person who reads verses or a poem of Tehilim so that he should be
protected by the Zechus of reading, that is permitted. Note that there is
no way that someone is allowed to read for another person. It is only
permitted to say it for oneself. <br><br>
He also says that one is not allowed to make a meshebeirach for a sick
person! <br>
Yitzchok Levine</font></body>