<font size=3>Reb Zalman Alpert sent me the following:<br><br>
I heard from Rabbi Avrohom Hoffman of Cong Shaare Hatikvah in Washington
Heights that his rebbe, the late Rabbi Simon Schwab,
ZT"L, was upset one year when a group of guests at his seder
table were learning rather than paying attention to the proceedings. Rav
Schwab nicely urged them to go to the living room to continue
learning, "Here we are having a seder and telling of the story
of Yetzias Mitzraim. This is not the time for learning. It is the time
for listening and retelling the story." <br><br>
This too is a very important lesson to keep in mind today with the
proliferation of lomdishe haggados etc.<br>
Yitzchok Levine</font></body>