<p>In Avodah V26#200, RDIC wrote:<br>
> The davening on Hoshana Rabbah takes on some but not all the charcteristics<br>
of Yom Tov. Were any specific criteria used to determine which parts were<br>
changed to YT and which were left like a chol day? Specifically, in nussach<br>
askenas, we _add the extra tehillim in p'sukei d'zimra_ (emphasis added --MP), but don't say<br>
Nishmat.... <<br>
IIRC, Abie Katz (Beurei Tefillah) recently spoke to the topic of whether p'suqei d'zimrah (PdZ) were added to YT davening or, instead, removed from y'mei-chol davening and, IINM, demonstrated the latter. <br>
All the best from<br>
--Michael Poppers via RIM pager</body></html>