<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><div id="yiv15342322"><div id="yiv390122021">1. From my learning of hilchos yaayin nesach/yayin stam etc, it seems that some poskim hold that for xians to believe in a trinity is not azara, but for us to believe in a trinity of sorts, is avodah zara. <br>2. The torah paints a grim picture of what would happen if we would allow avodahzarahnickers to reside in our land....namely, they would be thorns in our sides.<br>3. What would the halacha be for non-Jews to reside in EYisrael once the Moshiach Came?<br>4. At the minimum I believe, they would have to accept the Sheva Mitzvos Bne'i Noah. One of those 7 is to not believe in (or practice?) idolatry. Does that mean that all churches would have to be closed down and all xians expelled from EY? unless they abandoned their azara/trinity beliefs? Or, could they claim, that their halachos of 7MBN in regards to
this issue differ than ours, and that therefore they should be allowed to stay???<br>HB<br>p.s. The machloket was between the mechaber (R.Yosef Kaaro) v. the Rama, as to how we hold their A Zara to be; each posek (i believe) relying on the jewish environs from where they paskened from to determine his psak.hb<br></div></div></td></tr></table>