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<pre>Arie Folger wrote:
> Thus, according to Abarbanel, we could say that one major difference
> between the Pentateuch and Nakh is that the former was not based on
> earlier sources, but on a direct and complete prophecy from HQBH to
> Moshe, while the latter is the product of a prophecy to include a
> selection of preexisting stories coming from several disparate sources
> (at least twO. the annals of Israel and those of Judah).
> ---
> IOW, do we have either a tanna demesaye'a lei, or one who refutes? Or
> is Abarbanel alone in even approaching this issue altogether?
Look at the introduction to the Artscroll Divrei haYamim concerning the
view of the Shaagas Aryeh and others who take a similar approach - at
least for this sefer
There are medrashim that Moshe had sefer Bereishis prior to Sinai, there is also reference to sefer Milchemes HaShem <b><font
face="Arial" size="2"><span
style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold;"></span></font></b><b><font
face="Arial Narrow" size="2"><span
style="font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold;">Ramban (Bamidbar
21:13-14): </span></font></b><span style="">The simple meaning of the expression in the book of the wars of the Eternal (Bamidbar</span><span
class="MsoFootnoteReference"><sup><span style=""><!--[endif]--> </span></sup></span><span
style="">21:14) is that there were wise men
in those generations who used to write down the history of great wars, for such was the custom in all generations. These authors were called moshlim
(they speak in parables v27;29) because they wrote in them their books by means of provers and figures of speech, and when there were victories which they
considered wonderful, they ascribed those wars to G-d, to Whom they are in truth to be attributed. Now the victory of Sihon over Moab was marvellous in
their eyes (Psalms 118:21) therefore they wrote it down in a book speaking of it in figurative langues…and writing abut it in a proverb…Thus when Sihon
captured the cities of Moab those who wrote in parables recorded in the book which thy are called the "wars of the Eternal" Eth Vahev b'suphah…Thus Scripture is
bringing a proof from the book of "the Wars of the Eternal" that Arnon is on the border of moab and was forbidden to Israel to capture (Devarim
2:9) wheas the brooks and all the slopes as far as Arnon they were allowed to take for Sihon had captured from the king of Moab all his land until
Arnon, but not Arnn itself….</span>