I believe that Chazal carefully fulfilled the chiyuv of "<STRONG>V'hegadta</STRONG> lvincha bayom hahu"by finding a text that contains the formula (ie. the Cheftzah) of "<STRONG>V'hegadta</STRONG>". By Bikurim the Chumash tells us that the bringer introduces his statement of thanksgiving by "<STRONG>Hegadti</STRONG> hayom laShem Elokecha" and continues with four verses that describes the history of the Exodus The Chumash thereby tells us that these four verses constitute a "<STRONG>hagadah</STRONG>". Thus Chazal use the Cheftzah of Hagadah by Bikurim as the Cheftzah of Hagadah by Pesach, fulfilling the Mitzvah of <STRONG>Hagadah</STRONG>.<br>
Kol Tov,<br>
Stu Grant<div id='MAILCIADA013-5c4949e50c4c2e2' class='aol_ad_footer'><br/><font style="color:black;font:normal 10pt arial,san-serif;"> <hr style="margin-top:10px"/><B>A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. <A HREF=http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100126575x1221421325x1201417411/aol?redir=http:%2F%2Fwww.freecreditreport.com%2Fpm%2Fdefault.aspx%3Fsc%3D668072%26hmpgID%3D62%26bcd%3DAprilfooterNO62"> See yours in just 2 easy steps!</A></B></font> </div>