The following is from RSRH's commentary on Bamidbar 10: 31 - 32<br><br>
<font face="Arial, Helvetica" size=4><b>10: 31
</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size=3><i>But he said: Please do not
leave us! For I am asking this because you are familiar with the places
of our camping in the wilderness and you<br>
can serve us as eyes.<br><br>
</i>10: 32 <i>If you go with us, it shall be that the same good
that </i></font><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size=3>God
</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size=3><i>in His goodness will do
for us, we will do for you.<br><br>
</i></b></font><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size=3>This request that
Moshe made of his father-in-law and recorded for<br>
all time is of great importance, for the request that his
should help them with his judgment and with his knowledge of the<br>
terrain can bring us to a correct evaluation of Moshe’s mission.<br><br>
As we have already seen
(</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size=3><i>Shemos
</i></font><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size=3>18:13-27), Yisro’s
advice proves that Moshe did not have the organizational skills
of a state-building lawmaker. Likewise, the fact related here refutes
the idle chatter about Moshe’s knowledge of the ways of the
according to which the Divine wonder of our journeying in the
is merely the result of clever and shrewd leadership. Moshe, who<br>
needed the advice of his father-in-law in order to organize the
system and to make proper arrangements for the camps, and recorded<br>
both of these instances for everlasting memory among his people —<br>
this man could not have led his people and given it Torah on his
he could have accomplished it only as the instrument of God. He
have been the very last person to ascribe to himself a halo of
insight and miraculous power (cf. Commentary,
</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size=3><i>Shemos
</i></font><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size=3>18:24).</font></body>