<font size=2>From
<a href="http://www.beureihatefila.com/files/Good_Advice.pdf">
http://www.beureihatefila.com/files/Good_Advice.pdf</a> <br><br>
</font><font face="Garamond" size=4>TRANSLATION: After finishing Tephilat
Schacharit, a person should learn Torah for a<br>
few moments or go to the Beis Midrash and listen to the students. Then he
should attend<br>
to his affairs and proceed to his place of work because Torah learning
that is not combined<br>
with work has no value. Poverty will then lead him to violate his
Master’s rules. He should<br>
conduct his business in good faith. He should speak softly to other human
beings. He<br>
should not start fights with anyone. He should be careful not to take an
oath even<br>
concerning a matter that he knows to be true. Most certainly he should
not take an oath<br>
falsely and he should not mention G-d’s name in vain. He should avoid
idleness because<br>
idleness causes improper urges. Instead he should always pursue lofty
goals and he should<br>
always be examining his personality and his deeds. If a person conducts
himself within<br>
these parameters he will be certain that G-d with bless him with success
in whatever he<br>