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<div><font color="#000066">On the one hand we stress that 10 yemei teshuva are days in which HQB”H is especially responsive to our prayers a la Yevamot 105a, yet in our tefillot we stress His transcendence and greater distance from us (e.g., le’eyla u’le’eyla,
HaMelekh HaQadosh, HaMelekh HaMishpat). Based on the above Gemara and the underlying pasuk in Yeshayahu of Hashem’s particular closeness (b’hiyoto qarov), I would have expected our tefillot to express a special closeness to the Ribono Shel Olam instead of the
opposite. Any thoughts?</font></div>
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<div><font color="#000066">Best wishes for a Gmar Hatima Tova,</font></div>
<div><font color="#000066">David Eisen</font></div>
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