<div dir="ltr">Dear all, <br>I am writing in the hope for a possible insight on perhaps a technical - but to me no less perplexing - question. The Kitzur Shulkhan Arukh (126.4), based on Magen Avraham 224.3, prohibits attending "animal shows" presented by goyim, as well as dances and other joyful occasions, as moshavei leicim. R. Avrohom Davis translates "kenignaot" as "animal shows" which, I assume, would concern circuses and similar, yet an explanatory note ( in the text of the Kitzur itself?) in the Hebrew explicates kenignaot as "ceid hayot", that is, hunts. (I do not find any etymology or explanation of the word "kenignaot" elsewhere.) That seems to be a difference: can anyone help understanding it? Is it because we understand, hunting as halachically problematic (while not prohibited) for different reasons?<br>
Many, many thanks for any thoughts.<br>Sincerely<br>Simon Krysl<br></div>