<BODY><P>I wrote</P>
<P>>The lechem hapanim was baked in a mold, and could be bent/folded.</P>
<P>RRWolpoe responded: </P>
<P>>> The Lechem Hapanim seems to have been quite firm and not soft or pliable at all. </P>
<P>See MT T'midim v'Musafim 5:9, based on Menachot 56 . The Lechem Hapanim were baked 10 t'fachim long, and thus extended two t'fachim on each side beyond the 6 t'fachim wide shulchan. Theye folded (kofel) up to fit on the shulchan. </P>
<P>Saul Mashbaum<BR><BR></P></BODY>