<div class="gmail_quote">In case my earlier postings did not emphasize this:<br>Both from the wording of the Rema and from RMF in the aforementioned IM [which no one has seemed to consult --smile--] It LOOKS like the heter here is in the realm of: "Well frum people do it so it MSUT be ok." To me that is a flimsy post facto rationale that has a very slippery slope and is easily exploited.<br>
<br>Now if a person were to say I ALWAYS follow Tosafos beshita, then I would be more forgiving. In fact, RMF is puzzled about how anyone can use this heter! I would hav asnwered him that they are simply relying upon Tosafos of course. It would seem that RMF never heard of people who follow Tosafos beshita, and so how can one follow a SHVER Tosafos. I challenge all readers to see RMF's own rationale.<br>
<br><br>Tangentially, there are SHVER Rema's tha I do not follow [e.g bass shema azlinan wrt min bemino] In Choshen Mishpat 25 a specific P'sak froom a Posiek CAN be rejected by world-famous [bavusta] kashas. Certainly the Shach's kasha on the Rema here is a case on point. And for the same reason - I am not in favor of following SHVER Rambam's either, nevertheless some consider RAMBAM somehow infallible.<br>
</div><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Kol Tuv / Best Regards,<br>RabbiRichWolpoe@Gmail.com<br>see: <a href="http://nishmablog.blogspot.com/">http://nishmablog.blogspot.com/</a>