I mentioned that we stand for Parshat Zachor because we are performing a Mitzvah and that the default position for performing both Torah and Rabbinic Mitzvot is to stand unless there is a reason to sit. Cantor Wohlber agues that we sit for the Seder, Tachanun and Kriat Shemah.<br>
By the Seder we should actually be reclining on couches as a sign of Cherut. Though we limit this "reclining" requirement to the Kosot and Achilat Matzah, we sit for the rest of the Seder as we would at a meal, which is what the Seder is, and as we would in a Shiur.<br>
By Tachanun we sit for the "Vayomer David" as a sign of mourning (Nefilat Apayim) and during the long Tachanun of Monday and Thursday we do stand until Vayomer David.<br>
By Kriat Shemah we continue to sit according to the Rav because of "Uvlechticha Baderech" which Rav Soloveitchik understands to mean that one continues to say Kriat Shemah as one is (in this case sitting while praying Shacharit or Maariv). Furthermore, one should not stand for Kriat Shemah at Shacharit, if one is already sitting, lest it appear that one has taken literally the term "Uvkumacha" to mean the position in which one should recite Shacharit Shemah as oppposed to the time.<br>
Once again I do believe that the default position for performing Mitvot is to stand unless there is a Halachik reason to sit.<br>
By the way I do find these discussions great fun. For me it is a real example of how Torah learning produces Simchah.<br>
Kov Tov,<br>
Stu Grant <div id='u8CA7F3016D2BC24-99C-FF5' class='aol_ad_footer'><FONT style="color: black; font: normal 10pt ARIAL, SAN-SERIF;"><HR style="MARGIN-TOP: 10px">Plan your next roadtrip with <A title="http://www.mapquest.com/?ncid=mpqmap00030000000004" href="http://www.mapquest.com/?ncid=mpqmap00030000000004" target="_blank">MapQuest.com</A>: America's #1 Mapping Site.</FONT> </div>