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<P>RYBS, in keeping with his family tradition, did not put on tfillin on chol hamoed, which is the psak of the Gra. It is said that RMS once asked his father RCS that since putting on tfillin on chaol hamoed is a machloket rishonim, shouldn't we out them on misafek? RCS said that in his opinion the g'mara (Arachin 10b) clearly indicates that the kdusha of chol hamoed is comparable to the kdusha of Yom Tov, and is enough of an "ot" to be poter from tfillin. All this is related in Nefesh HaRav p. 192.</P>
<P>The Gra on many issues paskens against the rishonim, based on his conviction that his raayot form the g'mara justify his position. According to this story, RCS sometimes adopted this approach as well.</P>
<P>Although the Brisker tradition is often associated with trying to fill all opinions of the rishonim to the extent possible, in the areas in which it follows the Gra the approach is just the opposite, sometimes adopting practices against the opinions of major rishonim.</P>
<P>Saul Mashbaum </P>
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