<div>R' Micha wrote:</div>
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<div>>> That could be true whether it is its own gezreirah or part of muqtzah.<br>If muqtzah is about usability on Shabbos, then letzorekh gufo o meqomo<br>would simply fall out of the fact that the usability is really only<br>
because of the exclusion most common usage. It would make sense for it<br>to have been part of the original taqanah. <<</div>
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<div>Mimah Nafshach. If there is indeed a Haktzaah here because of its typical use, then normative application of Muktzeh should dictate a blanket Issur Tiltul, and if the atypical use is sufficient to avoid a Haktzaah, then it shouldn't be Muktzeh at all. Huktzah from certain uses making it Assur from those particular uses, while possible, seems to be counter to what Muktzeh is all about.</div>
<p>: See GRA to YD 266. This can explain, e.g., the dispute whether a<br>: KSHML"A can create a Bosis.</p>
<div>>> What would be the lemaaseh? A KSHMLI could be moved letzarich meqomo,<br>and a basis is meqomo. So even if it could create a basis, when would<br>it create an issur letalteil? <<</div>
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<div>The L'Maase is whether one may move the Basis Mechamah L'Tzeil.</div>