The Shach in Yoreh Deya constantly cites the "Ayin Tes-Zayin". For years, friends and I have been saying "Ateres Zekeinim", without delving further. I recently did a quick online search and discovered that "Ateres Zekeinim" was the name of two seforim. The one who discusses Halacha was a younger contemporary of the Shach who outlived him by some 30 years, a R' Mendel Auerbach.<br>
<br>Someone suggested that the "Ayin Tes-Zayin" refers to the Levush. But I have not been able to locate a different name for the sefer known as the Levush that would match that Acronym.<br><br>Any ideas or knowledge out there?<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>RD