<br><font size=2><tt>in re a recent areivim discussion of what a
haredi tora state might look like, i found this</tt></font>
<br><font size=2><tt>from a RW rabbi on the OU website, has his own idea
of a 'tora state'<br>
I believe that the time has come to establish a political party whose=20<br>
platform is unashamedly for a Torah state.=======<br>
The leadership will be composed of rabbis who regard the medina not as
mere political entity but as the forerunner of the final geula.<br>
The major points of the platform would be:<br>
1- There is no one definition of democracy in the world. Hence, we will=20<br>
redefine ours as a Torah democracy. The law of the land will be the Torah=20<br>
and will be coercive as all law is.<br>
2- Massive construction in Yehuda, Shomrom and the Golan with the aim to=20<br>
bring a million Jews to these areas within 10 years.<br>
3- A massive effort to bring millions of olim (new immigrants), including=20<br>
the research of the millions of people who are descendants of the Anusim=20<br>
(Marranos) or the Ten Lost Tribes for the purpose of uniting them with
the =<br>
Jewish nation.<br>
4- The army as the most respected institute in the land will be revised.=20<br>
All able-bodied males will undergo basic training, regardless of how many=20<br>
pages of the Talmud they know and all soldiers will be taught the=20<br>
rudiments of Judaism. All female soldiers will be released and the concept
of &quot;ma?chanecha kadosh&quot; will be implemented.<br>
5- Shabbat will be the law of the land. There will be no desecration of=20<br>
the shabbat in the public areas, including non Jews. Kashrut will be=20<br>
strictly observed as will the limits of modesty - tzniut.<br>
6- The Law of Return will be amended so that only Halachic Jews will be=20<br>
able to attain citizenship.<br>
7- Only Halachic Jews will be permitted to serve in the Knesset, and only=20<br>
after fulfilling a minimum requirement of Torah and general knowledge.<br>
8- An ultimatum will be given to the Gazans that within 24 hours all=20<br>
weapons are to be deposited in the city stadium. After this time if=20<br>
anything which can be construed as a weapon will be found then the entire=20<br>
city will be immediately destroyed.<br>
9- The Gazans are to immediately clean out the area called &quot;Gush
Katif&quot; in =<br>
preparation for its re-building, bet knesset by bet knesset (synagogue
synagogue), home for home, on an area three times larger then before.<br>
10- Architectural plans will be drawn up for the Bet Ha?Mikdash, to be=20<br>
implemented at the appropriate time.<br>
11- We would send Rav Lau to make a statement to the General Assembly of=20<br>
the UN, that Medinat Yisrael is the realization of God?s promise to return
His nation to His land, and the establishment of a new United Nations in=20<br>
Yericho, to unite all the gentiles in the world around the seven Noachide=20<br>
The list is endless.</tt></font><font size=2 face="sans-serif"><br>