<br clear="all">>>Two questions: 1) I recall seeing R' Moshe Feinstein say that in the case<br>>>where the Tallis inadvertently fell, one does _not_ have to repeat the<br>>>Berachah if he was wearing a Tallis Katan - not like the Be'er Heitiv. Does
<br>>>anyone remember such a thing, from RMF or someone else? (Yagati V'lo<br>>>Matzasi.) 2) I asked someone about this, and he said he recalled hearing the<br>>>R' Yaakov Kamenetzky said that the current Minhag is not to repeat the
<br>>>Berachah should one's Tallis fall. Can anyone corroborate this?<br><br> R' Neventzal shilt"a, in his sefer on the Mishna Brurah, says in the name of RSZA to not say a new bracha. His reasoning is that
<br>the da''as of a person is that he will wear his tallis for all of davening when he made the original brocha.<br><br> -- Mike<br>