<BODY><P>RMBerger wrote</P>
<P>>>Time differs from space in that you have more volition over your motion in space than in time.<BR></P>
<P>Not strictly on topic, but a nice drasha on this subject, is the following, which I heard many years ago from Rav Fabian Schonfeld:<BR></P>
<P>It is well known that machshevet chutz lizmano by korbanot is much more stringent than machshevet chutz limkomo. It's not obvious why this should be.</P>
<P>There are those who claim that for various reasons they find it difficult to fully observe the mitzvot in the community in which they find themselves, particularly if it is a community with very few religious people "Being religious is fine for New York, but unfeasible here in Broken Knee, Arkansas" they would say. The mitzvot are chutz limkomo. </P>
<P>OTOH, some people say that being religious was fine for their grandparents, many years ago, but is irrelevant nowadays. The mitzvot are chutz lizmano.</P>
<P>The latter position is obviously far more negative than the former.</P>
<P>Saul Mashbaum</P></BODY>