RMB:<br><br>>> No, I disagree over that is the sort order of the list. In what way is<br>he further behind. The pasuq tells you it's ratzui, not zechus. <<<br><br>Apparently that is not how the Taz, nor the Chofetz Chaim, learned the Gemara.
<br> <br><br><br>>> But the Taz, like the rest of us, do not tell you to start learning<br>rather than save lives. The halakhah is about interrupting learning if<br>someone else could do it. <br><br>That's a separate Din that has nothing to do with the Taz nor the Gemara in Megillah. That's based on the Gemara regarding a Mitzvah that can be done by others.
<br><br>But our case is a person learning Torah in Yeshiva and then Kollel. He is accomplishing more by learning than any other activity under the sun, as per the Taz and Chafetz Chaim. To take out the time when he could have been learning (that's what we're talking about) to be a Zaka worker or a psychologist when he can learn flies in the face of this. Why did he stop learning and diminish his accomplishments?
<br><br>>> When the subject is not that of<br>
interruption, hakol modim one chooses hatzalas nefashos.<<<br><br>Ha Mina Lach?<br><br>>> How can you take a statement about yechidei segulah and turn it into a<br>lifestyle? <<<br><br>Because that lifestyle is good for some. We have a fellow who is learning full time, well, and being supported. Where does it say that Gadol status is required for this? If it were, then no one should do it since no one knows whether he will be a Gadol or not.
<br><br>>>The mishnah "hevei zahir" doesn't say "when the two conflict". << <br><br>You're right, it has even less to do with our situation than I suggested. It is merely a statement to treat all mitzvos with respect and not be Mezalzel in the Dikdukei Halachah of any of them when the situation presents itself that they be done. Don't think Lulav is not Chashuv and not look at its tip too carefully. Don't think Matzah is not Chashuv and not be Makpid to eat a Kazayis. That's all.
<br><br>>> As for your parenthetic "(if you would know that to be true)", the<br>seifa of the mishnah spells out that it's not true. You can't know the<br>sechar of a mitzvah. Any argument based on the idea that Torah being
<br>consistently the greater sechar choice is simply soseir the mishnah. <<<br><br>The Tosfos Yom Tov to that Mishnah quotes the Derech Chaim as follows:<br><br>"That which it says... Talmud Torah K'negged Kullam has nothing to do with "Ein Atta Yodeia Mattan Secharan Shel Mitzvos", for that is only said by *Mitzvos*, but between Talmud Torah and Mitzvos there it was not said, for it is obvious *that the reward for Talmud Torah is greater*.