<As I don't have Rav Goren's book with me at the office, I can't give his<br>exact figures but he lays out about seven different shitot to illustrate how<br>the Bet HaMikdash could be fitted into the Temple Mount and, just as the
<br>Mishna has it, Middot 2:1, the most expanisve 'clear' area is on the south,<br>followed by the east, north and west where it becomes the narrowest.<br>Nevertheless, there is room outside of the 500 square cubit. >
<br><br>I dont have R. Goren's sefer but I tend to doubt he used the CI shiur<br>for the amah.<br><br>I found several articles in techumum on the place of the Temple.<br>1. In 14:437-472 and 23:517-544 and again in 25:514 542 Toviah Sagiv (an architect)
<br>argues for a southern location of the Temple. In particular the present southern and eastern walls of the Temple mount were the borders of the<br>halachic har habayit.<br>(doesnt seem to fit the description given by Medad above)
<br>In particular he decides (vol 23) that according to the Radvaz one<br>cannot eneter anywhere on the Temple mount but only in houses and roofs<br>overlooking the mount on the east or north<br><br>2. In 16:458-502 discusses various possibilities and various shitot
<br>for the Amah. He rejects CI (Chatam Sofer is even bigger!) as completely<br>impossible to fit in the present walls. He also rejects an amah of<br>44cm and is left with 52cm or 48cm.<br>He accepts the eastern wall as a boundary of the 500 amot area but not the southern wall with kodash hakadoshim on the rock.
<br><br>If we were to consider both these possibilities there is almost no place<br>left on the Temple mount that is certainly not in the 500 square har<br>habayit.<br>Furthermore if one accepts the CI of amah=58cm there is a little space on
<br>the south, nothing on the east or west and most on the north<br>(see picture 5 on p487)<br><br>I am not capable of making any decisions between these opinions.<br>But it seems that each shitah has its problems.<br>Again I personally find the shiur of CI quite impossible for many reasons.
<br>However, for those that do accept it there is really no place to walk around<br>except entering from the south (not presently an option) and staying near<br>shaarei chulda. <br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Eli Turkel