<p>In Avodah Digest V23#95, RDMI responded to RDK:<br>
>> ... in Germany they would only say Lecha Dodi from the shulchan; l?chu neranena was said from the amud. <<<br>
> I cannot answer your question, but I can tell you that the only <br>
time I davened kabbalas Shabbos in a Yekke shul (somewhere in <br>
Talpiot, I think, but I don't remember the name) I was told to dave <br>
all of kabbalas Shabbos from the bima. So I don't think the <br>
practice you describe is universal among Yekkes. <<br>
I'm not surprised by RDMI's report, but I will note that the practice in KAJ/"Breuer's" (minhag Frankfurt) is as described by RDK. Thanks. <br>
A guten Shabbes/Shabbas Shalom and all the best from<br>
--Michael Poppers via RIM pager<br>