<BODY><P>Marty Bluke wrote about the CI's position on electricity and mlechet boneh:</P>
<P>In fact, that sevara has been rejected l'halacha at least by tevilas keilim. One acharon suggested<BR>that a toaster would be patur from tevilas keilim because it is mechubar l'karka (plugged in) and everyone else disagreed.<BR><BR>>></P>
<P>The CI's position on electricity is AFAIK indeed a daat yachid AFAIK, but the idea that electric appliances are patur from tvila because they are mechubarim l'karka is a respected opinion with halachic weight.</P>
<P>See Shaarim M'tzuyanim B'halach Vol I 37;7, who cites the Chazon Ish's shitta on electricity as a support for the position of those who are lenient regarding tvila for electrical appliances (Shvut Yaakov, Beit Avi) beause they cannot be used unless connected to part of a building. </P>
<P>A comprehensive discussion of tvila of electrical appliances appears in Tvilat Keilim by Rav Tzvi Cohen, page 205, note 46.</P>
<P>Saul Mashbaum</P>
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