<p>In Avodah Digest V23#61, RMYG responded to RJB:<br>
> Your point is well taken, but it raises the question of why "L'olam Va'ed"<br>
(which I see I forgot to write in my OP) is not at the end of the sentence? <<br>
Because "l'olam va'ed" is deliberately attached to "yimloch aleinu" and, so to speak, cannot be separated from it even though "v'al kal-ma'asav" really belongs directly after "aleinu." See the end of the "Baruch H' l'olam" paragraph which immediately precedes the stanza w/ the b'rachah: "v'qayeim malchus'cha tamid _umloch aleinu l'olam va'ed_."<br>
Shabbas Shalom and all the best from<br>
--Michael Poppers via RIM pager<br>