<div><em>But doesn't that risk running afoul of the idea of the Xtians or,<br>lehavdil, the Lubavitchers? "Ish Hashem Hayah".</em> </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Not necessarily. He was a man of G-d, who followed a moral code dictated by a Divine Being. Simple.</div>
<div><br><em>By the way, that's usually spelled "Polonnoye" in English</em>.</div>
<div>You don't really expect me to spell a Russian-Ukrainian place name properly in English except by my phonectic comprehension, do you? ;>)</div>
<div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Yisrael Medad<br>Shiloh<br>Mobile Post Efraim 44830<br>Israel </div>