[Avodah] Dovid Hamelech had 400 children from yefas toars

Danny Schoemann doniels at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 23:03:57 PST 2025

R' Marty Bluke via Avodah asked:
>> . So how do we understand that Dovid had
>> 400 children from yefas toars! Did he have such a great yetzer hara that
>> he couldn't control?

Reb Sruli Bornstein has a fascinating Reid Bite about this. (

He quoted Rav Reuven Margolies zt"l who proposed that this was one of many
places where numbers were abbreviated and then badly deciphered.

I.e. Dovid Hamelech had ת (Tof) kids from YT. That's short for Tisha, and
he goes on to show from Divrei Hayomim that indeed there were 9
"motherless" kids.

Same for R' Preida. If he lived 400 years for teaching his student 400
times he would have been alive during the Geonic period, yet no Gaonic
writing mentions him. Tof could be Thishim, 90

He brings other fascinating examples.

A semchadik Adar

- Danny
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