[Avodah] Davening without a minyan

Danny Schoemann doniels at gmail.com
Sun Sep 22 01:36:15 PDT 2024

R' Akiva Miller:

> I was listening to a shiur from Rav Shmuel Fuerst of Chicago.
> You can get the shiur at https://torahanytime.com/lectures/307384

> At approximately 42:51 in the audio version, or 42:43 in the video,
> he says (referring to the 3rd bracha after Krias Shema in Maariv in
> Chu"l), "If you daven b'yechidus you never say Baruch Hashem L'Olam."

> Has anyone else ever heard that? Is it written anywhere? It certainly
> makes sense if the *only* reason for that bracha is to delay the davening
> for the latecomers. But I recall other reasons for that bracha, according to
> which it should be said even b'yechidus. If anyone knows of published
> sources, please share.

In the "Behr Siddur" - the Yekkish Avodath Yisroel with the commentary
of Yitzchok ben Aryeh Yosef Dov, printed originally by Rodelheim in
5628 - you will find various versions as to the history behind Baruch
Hashem L'Olam in Maariv.

1. Rosh, Mordechaim Tur, Tosfos Brochos 4b: From the Gaonim period, to
delay the Tzibur so that latecomers wouldn't be left behind in the
outlying shuls. That's why there are 18 Shemos Havaya.

2. R' Yona Tuva in his student's peirush to the Rif, Brochos 3b: When
Maariv was still a Reshus they said this instead of the Amida, and
never abolished it.

Similarly in the Tanya Siman 9, quoting Rashi. (Probably Tanya
Rabbati, not the Chabad one.)

Also Ibn Yarchi in the beginning of his Sefer Hamanhig, though he says
there are 19 Shemos, since he includes Adnus.

3. Semag (Positive 19) converges these 2 opinions and writes that his
Mori, Rabeinu Yehuda ben Yitzchok explains that these were instituted
post Talmudic times, when Maariv was a Reshus, when people davened in
the fields, etc.

4. Rosh Ba'al HaMinhogos and Rashba in Responsa 14: dates back to a
Shmad period when Amida was forbidden.

5. Rashi Brochos 31: so that one starts Amida from a Simcha shel Mitzva.

6. Avudraham (Gate 2) quoting R' Avraham ben Shushan: To compensate
for not having Chazoras Hashatz during Maariv.

I have not cross-checked any of these references, some of which I have
never heard of before.

But now we have 6 reasons why Baruch Hashem L'Olam was instituted.

Kol Tuv - Ksiva VaChasima Tova

- Danny
Download a free copy of my book at https://doniels.gumroad.com/l/book1

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