[Avodah] mezuza checking

Joel Rich joelirarich at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 20:32:41 PDT 2024

I find the question of checking mezuzot a subset of a broader issue.
Firstly, the strange language of twice in seven years without clarity on
how that was arrived at. Secondly, the question as to whether once it was
arrived at, is it normative law applicable, no matter what has changed (
writing materials, climate, etc.) or do we say zil basar tama? this seems
applicable across many issues

The question of protection, especially against spiritual forces as per
Rashi also makes one wonder how that is changed over the years and how we
relate to them (eg zugot) In my humble opinion part of the issue is looking
at the master of the universe as an instrument to personal happiness rather
than seeing that as a side benefit of a close relationship with him.


bsorot tovot

joel rich
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