[Avodah] Shev VeAl TaAseh

Rabbi Meir G. Rabi meirabi at gmail.com
Sat Jan 20 10:45:33 PST 2024

What's the difference, if there is one, between not blowing or not hearing
Shofar on the one hand;

and not removing a four cornered garment that is tied with Passul Tzitzis,
on the other hand

and is there any difference between not removing and putting on such a

If one wears Tefillin that are Passul one has failed to fulfill that
There is no prohibition however, there is no violation in wearing such

Putting on Passul Tefillin is not an active violation
whereass putting on a four cornered garment without Tzitzis is an active
violation of the Aseh

true, from the perspective of not fulfilling the command they are the same
yet there is a greater act of rebelliousness in putting on a non-Tzitzis
adorned four cornered garment than putting on the fake tefillin

and that seems to capture the essence of Shev VeAl TaAseh

Is it possible that keeping on such a garment similarly reflects a greater
act of rebelliousness than passively not taking the Lulav or hearing Shofar?

I have forgotten how this emerged - was it not to do with HaRav Bakshi
Doron bringing a proof for something or other?
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