[Avodah] Clarification - Tallis Gadol Shev VeAl TaAseh

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Wed Jan 17 12:22:03 PST 2024

On Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 10:09:39AM +1100, Rabbi Meir G. Rabi via Avodah wrote:
> On the other hand, walking about, and some would argue, even remaining in
> the same place, whilst wearing a garment that HKBH instructs MUST have
> Tzitzis, is very far from being a Shev VeAl TaAseh.

You lost me here. I thought everyone holds that the asei is violated
every time tzitzis is worn long enough to walk 4 amos.* Like your "some
would argue". So, let's run with that, because that is a given in what
you're responding to, and you agree it is at least a shitah.

According to that shitah, you can violate an asei without moving a muscle,
just by leaving tzitzis on for that length of time.

So, if chazal said that one needn't undress in public to remove pasul
tzitzis, aren't they telling you to violate an asei in a way that doesn't
require moving, and indeed, not to do the action? How that that *not*
a textbook case (and thus not "very from brom bring") a call to be oveir
aseir behseiv ve'al taaseh?

(And if we hold the 4 amos are literal motion, and not a way to measure
time, then why would Chazal let the person move? Or maybe move pachos
pachos mi-4 amos?)

Tir'u baTov!

* PS tangent to share a pet theory:
I think Chazal had a single quantum of halachic time. Meaning that "tokh
kedei dibbur" -- the smallest unit of time when it comes to intent and
speech, and the time it takes to walk 4 amos -- the smallest unit of
time when it comes to action, were two ways to approximate the cheileq --
the smallest unit of time when calculating time.

Micha Berger                 When memories exceed dreams,
http://www.aishdas.org/asp   The end is near.
Author: Widen Your Tent                      - Rav Moshe Sherer
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