[Avodah] rava and abaye

Joel Rich joelirarich at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 22:29:11 PST 2024

The gemara (chulin 101b) is discussing isur mosif/collel. It is analyzing
the case of yom kippur that falls on shabbat and trying to explain the
opinion that if one violated shabbat bshogeg but yom kippur bmeizid, he’d
be chayav but if he violated shabat bmeizid, but yom kippur bshogeg, he’d
be patur. Abaye explains the reason as shabbat kvia vkayme (it’s set since
sheishet ymei bereshit) whereas yom kippur bei dinia dkakava lei (it’s
dependent on when bet din declares the month.) Rava rejects this approach
with, “in the end they both come together” and provides a historical answer
(based on shat hashmad). Is this an argument based on historical mesora? On
what basis did rava reject abaye? What did they see differently?
Bsorot tovot
joel rich
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