[Avodah] academics?

Joel Rich joelirarich at gmail.com
Tue Feb 20 19:54:36 PST 2024

>From “Talmud Reclaimed” re academic research (eg Shai Secunda)
These latter two examples, concerning marriage to one's sister's daughter
and afikoman, present convincing and highly interesting insights into the
origin and development of the Rabbinic laws in question.
Nevertheless, the extent of their utility to traditional Talmudic scholars
remains unclear. Given that these laws were included in the Talmud," they
are both invested with Talmudic authority in the form in which they were
understood and legislated at the close of the Talmudic era.
In terms of practical law, therefore, tracing the original meaning of
afikoman bears negligible significance, even it could be shown that Sages
at the conclusion of the Talmudic era had misunderstood the rulings of
their predecessors. Furthermore, while comprehending the words of earlier
Sages certainly holds value in terms of the commandment of Torah study,
freestanding Rabbinic commandments of this nature are not usually the
subject of the sort of analytical debates which are studied for the sake of
gleaning Talmudic wisdom?

Me- Thus it’s hashgacha pratit that a misunderstanding was codified, but
once codified by the Talmud it’s normative law even though as a data point
it may throw off many other interconnected laws (as in tosfot making an
ukimta to explain it) Also does this apply to post Talmudic psak?


Bsorot tovot

Joel Rich
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