[Avodah] The Chasida
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Tue Nov 21 13:22:54 PST 2023
On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 07:21:11PM -0500, Akiva Miller via Avodah wrote:
> If so, then why is this a NON-kosher bird? ArtScroll Chullin 63a4 cites the
> Chidushei haRim: It is non-kosher because although it does do chesed for
> its friends, it will not help other species.
> The Ibn Ezra comments (Vayikra 11:19) that some derive this name from
The bit that it is clled "chasidah" because it does chessed with
its own is R Yehudah on in Chullin 63a. Quoted by Rashi on Vayiqra
But neither make this explanation of the name "chasidah" into a reason
why it would be treif despite whatever "chessed" it can be associated
> In this week's parsha, just before naming Yosef, in Bereshis 30:23, Rachel
> Imenu refers to "cherpasi", "my cherpah", variously translated as my
> indignity, my shame, my embarrassment, and the like. Onkelos translates
> this negative feeling as "chisudi".
> Is it possible that this selfish, species-centric bird was not named for
> the Hebrew word chesed, but rather for the similarly-spelled Aramaic word?
That would be ironic, Since Targum Unqelus names the bird "chavvarisa" and
T' Yonasan - "chivarasa". In Aramaic, the species is named with a /ch-v-r/
root, not /ch-s-d/. If the usage in Hebrew was from the Aramaic, and the
Aramaic used a different etymology to come up with a name... As I said, it
would be ironic.
Tir'u baTov!
Micha Berger The waste of time is the most extravagant
http://www.aishdas.org/asp of all expense.
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