[Avodah] What is it that HKBH asks of us - Students Teachers Acceptance Arguments Chanufa etc.

Rabbi Meir G. Rabi meirabi at gmail.com
Tue Dec 26 17:06:58 PST 2023

The earlier post,
Rav Elchanan Wasserman (Kovetz Shiurim Bava Basra 633) in the name of Rav
Chaim Soloveitchik - an Amora HAS THE POWER to disagree with a Tanna but
would not do so in general. We therefore assume an Amora who disagrees was
unaware of the Tanna' opinion.
is in fact addressed by the Beis Yosef [Mamrim 2:1] answering his Q, why do
the Amoraim not argue with the Tanaim?, because there is a CONVENTION not
to argue;

WHY is that not an adequate answer?
WHY is it better to suggest that they did not know and HAD THEY KNOWN they
probably would not have disagreed?

 but of course they CAN and SHOULD/MUST disagree when necessary.

If I may, R Micha is saying, we MUST argue, but only when we're absolutely
certain or 99% certain. If it's less than that, we must accept their
superiority and that we have failed to understand them.

Although R Micha wrote - the Amora is indeed OBLIGATED to express his
opinion -

but it seems you've missed the point.
 I don't think there was ever a Q about "expressing an opinion", it was
about Paskening contrary to the Tanna,

Reb Ch Volozhiner writes that it is FORBIDDEN/ ASSUR to accept the
teacher's ruling when one has a Kasheh that is not answered satisfactorily.

R Micha is right in saying,  "they knew this so much better than we do,
odds are any error is on our part, not theirs",
But that is the point we must make here,
HKBH is not playing a games with us, "Let's see if they can get this
like pinning the tail on the donkey whilst blindfolded.

As the Maharal writes, it's better [meaning THIS is the Ratzon HaShem] that
people not consult Halacha Seforim but learn
than they do the right thing by use of Halacha Seforim.
It is a miracle that the editors, the Kanoi vigilantes, missed this and did
not have it expunged.

HKBH, as the Maharal explains, wants us to explore and search even though
so many who are so much greater than us in dedication, perseverance, wisdom
and righteousness, have already explored these deep waters;
but this infinite sea of the Talmud still holds mysterious truths that we
can and should be searching for.
and THAT is the way HKBH wants it.

The search is Avodas HaShem
The performance is not the Ikkar.

Unfortunately, that essential aspect of Avodas HaShem has for many been
abandoned in favour of dancing, exulting and living in a fake world of
cosmetic and in some cases comedic make believe Yiddishkeit.
There are unfortunately many who cannot read and make sense of a Blatt
Gemarah, even an ArtScroll Gemara, who honestly believe they need know no
more because they know the Penimiyus of Toirah.
I believe this is not so much THEIR problem as it is OURS
we have allowed the eminence of Torah to be relegated to the point that the
ordinary person no longer sees the greatness of Toirah.

Lo Sachanifu includes accepting the wrong interpretation or ruling because
it's been said by a superior.
When we bow just as deeply or even more deeply to the wealthy and powerful
as we do to Toirah and its Lomdim
When we bow just as deeply or even more deeply to the Darshanim and
BaAlie Gematriya as we do to Toirah and its Lomdim

WE have fed the misrepresentation


Meir G. Rabi

0423 207 837
+61 423 207 837
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