[Avodah] shatz

Joel Rich joelirarich at gmail.com
Tue Dec 12 19:55:55 PST 2023


Is it appropriate to pick a Younger teenage boy as shatz – comment on a
post  as to why to pick one:
But there are two countervailing concerns:

First, we need someone who can grow up comfortable taking the amud for when
is a zaqein veragil [adult and fluent].

Second, we need teens to feel like they belong and are tied into the shul.
Makes sure more of them grow up to be shomerei Torah uMitzvos, anavim, etc…

(I am not sure why you mention Chareidi shuls in particular. Sephardim go
further, and will put a qatan up for Pesuqei deZimra, Qabbalas Shabbos, and
eidos — even Maariv.)

my response:

   1. I mentioned chareidi shuls because in other shuls, in my experience,
   the gabbai picks someone. In a number of chareidi shuls I’ve gone to, it’s
   whomever goes up.
   2.Clearly there are counter-pressures. I suspect it has to do with how
   we view the role of the shatz. I would guess that most defendants in
   capital cases would prefer not to have a trainee representing them.

Bsorot tovot
Joel Rich
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