[Avodah] Zman Simchaseinu

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Thu Oct 5 14:15:27 PDT 2023

An old joke says that all Jewish holidays can be summarized with: "They
tried to destroy us. G-d saved us. Let's eat." This can apply even to the
Yamim Noraim, where our enemy is the Yetzer Hara, and to Shavuos, where the
malachim tried to prevent us from receiving the Torah.

A few days ago, I saw the teaser of an article (the full article was behind
a paywall) that quoted someone as saying that his favorite holiday is
Sukkos, precisely because it is totally free of all that baggage. No wars,
no enemies, no problems. Nothing but Am Yisrael basking in the Ananei

And suddenly, I had a new appreciation of why Sukkos is called "Zman

And Shmini Atzeres / Simchas Torah even more so! Not even any joyous
mitzvos like sukkah or lulav to bog us down. Only the after-party, as the
medrash so vividly describes it. And isn't that the best part of the whole

Chag Sameach to all!

Akiva Miller
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