[Avodah] Davening priorities

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Wed Aug 16 02:26:13 PDT 2023

R' Joel Rich asked:
> Which would you choose – davening Shacharit on a parked plane
> after misheyakir but before hanetz or on a flying plane after
> hanetz? Why?

The "parked plane" scenario is unclear to me.

If it is parked because people are still boarding, but you are already in
your seat, do you really expect that status quo to remain all the while
until you're done davening? It seems to me quite likely that at some
unknown point, the plane will begin taxiing, the crew will give their
safety shpiel, the plane will take off, etc. I really don't see any
advantage to davening under such conditions.

If it is parked because the plane has landed but passengers have not yet
disembarked, that's even worse. It can often *seem* like a long time until
the aisle is clear and you too can leave, but it's likely faster than you
think. I suppose it is a good time to daven mincha, and maybe even maariv,
but if you try it for shacharis, you'll probably find a very annoyed flight
crew waiting for you to finish.

All this to daven at a b'dieved time, just so that you won't be jostled by
the bumpy ride? I think you have additional pros and cons that I haven't
thought of.

Akiva Miller
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