[Avodah] Re Bircas haL'vana/"Kiddush L'vana" (was "Minyan Man?")

Michael Poppers michaelpoppers at gmail.com
Sun Aug 20 08:35:33 PDT 2023

Reading RAM's V41n61 comments on "Kiddush Levana", I'm not aware of any
mandate for a *tzibbur* nor for any reason to say Qaddish -- granted, many
do say Qaddish nowadays, but considering the issues/problems (one of which
RAM touched upon), I think all the additions to what at its core is simply
a *b'racha* may constitute "tafasta m'ruba...."

BTW, may I note what to me seems a really-nice summary of the *halachos* --
see https://www.halachafortoday.com/kiddush-levana .
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