[Avodah] All About Tachanun
Prof. L. Levine
llevine at stevens.edu
Thu Aug 3 07:22:55 PDT 2023
The following is from the article at
which discusses saying Tachanun in detail.
>From this article
Postscript: Is Tachanun Obligatory?
Although this author has heard it opined that the common “custom” of skipping Tachanun for reasons not mentioned in the Shulchan Aruch nor Poskei HaDoros is due to the Tur’s citing of Rav Nitoranei Gaon’s dictum that ‘Tachanun recited in the Beis Kenesses is a Reshus,’(non-obligatory)[36]<https://ohr.edu/10045#_edn36> nevertheless, both the Bach and the Prishah explain that that is far from his intent.[37]<https://ohr.edu/10045#_edn37> These authorities point out that they very next line in the Tur states that Tachanun is not recited when a Chosson is present.
They explain the juxtaposition of these two statements is meant to clarify the Halacha. If the reciting of Tachanun is an actual din, then we would be obligated to recite it even with a Chosson present (akin to ShemonehEsrei etc.). That is why the Tur prefaced it with Rav Nitoranei Gaon’s statement that Tachanun is a Reshus: to allow us leniency in certain specific halachically mandated cases. In other words, the recital of Tachanun is similar to Tefillas Maariv: although officially titled a Reshus according to some opinions (see Gemara Brachos 27b), it is nonetheless still required; it just has certain nuances that are relaxed in specific situations.[38]<https://ohr.edu/10045#_edn38>
The reader is referred to Rav Yisroel Reisman’s excellent forward to the English sefer titled “Tachanun,” where he decries, in his inimitable manner, the common lackadaisicalness and underappreciation many have for this important Tefillah.[39]<https://ohr.edu/10045#_edn39>
See the above URL for much more.
Professor Yitzchok Levine
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