[Avodah] Showering During the Nine Days

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Thu Jul 20 13:02:11 PDT 2023



Although at first glance from a preliminary reading of Rabbinic literature on the topic, showering seems to be black-on-white prohibited, yet, from the works of many contemporary authorities it seems a better question would be if there is a hetternot to take at least some sort of shower during the Nine Days!

First of all, it must be noted that with the vast majority of world Jewry living in the Northern Hemisphere, the Nine Days (not so conveniently) falls out during the hottest part of year, during the blazing summer. When someone is asking his rabbi for a halachic dispensation to take a shower, he is not merely asking a theoretical question. It is usually someone sweating heavily, caked in perspiration and often afflicted from odoriferous emanations. This is especially germane this summer, with the mercury in Yerushalayim already hovering over 100°F (38°C) in June!

See the above URL for much more.

Professor Yitzchok Levine
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